
Refinishing Sun Damaged Furniture

After many years of sun damage on your furniture, you will surely not like the weather-worn seat that was once an inviting asset. If the damaged furniture is still structurally strong, you can do a facelift and the seat will be as good as new. Here are some tips from Wicker Paradise to help you touch up older pieces with new accessories.

Clean the Furniture

Too much heat is likely to reduce the beautiful color of your sunroom furniture. The replacement of the faded assets and accessories is too costly. Start by removing the surface dirt with soap and water. After ensuring that the soiled seats are stainless, paint the furniture anew to make the original colors brighter.


Every time your patio furniture gets exposed to the sun, the more your asset will look colorless. Luckily, Treasure Garden umbrellas provide some shade for your valuables, be they benches, tables, chairs, stools, or bed, can save you refinishing expenses in the future. All you will need is some smart shopping for garden umbrellas.


The outdoor wicker chairs and benches with cushioned covers are easy to refinish. If you notice some tear and wear on the cushions, look for water-resistant outdoor furniture replacement cushions so as to renew and extend the life of your wooden possessions and couches. There are times the patio chairs exhibit cracks and fading because of too much sun. By applying a non-abrasive protective coating, your wicker will never suffer the effects of weather.